Japanese Monster Car (via)


A car, painted Japanese monster (called YOU-KAI). http://tacsdddd.hp.infoseek.co.jp/guriguri.html http://tacsdddd.hp.infoseek.co.jp/hyakkiyagou/youkai-27.jpg (?English)

The search engine ad at Shibuya


The two Japanese character(KANJI) means "wall(壁) paper(紙)". It is one of the most searched word at the search engine "GOO". The words are replaced every two days. It's seem like some kind of conceptual art..



All about SUSHI business and THE SUSHI MACHINE!(?English)

How to count number in Japanese (LESSON 26) (via | via)


itch(1), knee(2), sun(3), she(4), go(5), rock(6), city(7), hatch(8), cue(9), Jew(10) Now you can count (almost) 1 to 99. For example, Jew go (15) Sun Jew itch (31) Hatch Jew cue (89)

Hatena Diary club "?English" started!


Thanks, id:pha.I want to describe my daily life in English. And also, I'll try to pickup websites which focus on strange aspect of Japan. Rule: write more words with no shame. This is also preparation for my future broken-multi-lingual web…